When clients book escorts in Malta, they are expecting a memorable time that is worth the money. Sometimes, however, the experience turns out to be less than memorable and the client is left feeling unsatisfied and ripped off. While this is not a frequent occurrence, it can definitely happen. Luckily, there are ways to avoid a bad service, and we have put them together to help you out.
Read Reviews This cannot be stressed enough. Once you have found a call girl that you’d like to get to know more, you must read the reviews from other clients. While instinct may tell you to just go ahead and book a service with the stunning beauty, you must thoroughly go through each review. Depending on the escort’s experience, she may or may not have tons of reviews. However, it is always a good idea to check so you can’t blame yourself for not reading them late on, if the service is bad. Just as it is important to read reviews, it is important to leave a review. Don’t forget that after each service with a companion you should leave a review to help other clients make an easier decision.
Get to Know the Agency
Every agency is different when it comes to the standards of their escorts. A good agency will ensure their escorts are professional and provide amazing services. Take some time to read up on the agency before booking a prostitute. You may even wish to phone a representative of the agency and speak with them to get a feel of how their company is. If you ever get the feeling that the agency is not reputable or does not hire quality escorts, simply do not book a service. It is easier to walk away then try to fix a horrible booking with a girl.
Walk the Other Way
So, let’s say you meet some maltese escort girl and you have a bad vibe or are not enjoying the first few minutes of your time together. The easiest thing to do is walk away. Even if the sex worker is annoyed by your sudden change of mind or heart, ask to cancel the booking. Before booking an escort girl, it is suggested that you familiarize yourself with the agency’s cancellation policy, just in case you have a situation like this where you wish to cancel the booking within the first few minutes of meeting. If you do not agree with the agency’s cancellation party, just continue your search and find another agency.
Helpful Tips When You Are Unsatisfied with a Service
It happens, you meet a gorgeous escort and the service you received was mediocre or maybe plain awful. What do you do? Here’s the scoop.
Never Lose Your Temper
No matter how frustrated you are that the escort failed to deliver an amazing service, never lose your temper with her. The last thing you want to do is begin screaming or swearing, as this can be scary for the escort. Instead, take a few deep breaths and explain how you feel in the situation and leave; never prolong the conversation of frustration with the sex worker. Instead, call the agency and voice your opinion, and then leave an honest review on the escort’s profile page.
Never Demand Your Money Back
Even though you pay for a service that you expect to be mind-blowing, this will not always be the case. What you do not want to do is demand your money back on the spot. Most times, Malta escorts will refuse and send you on your way; after all, you paid her for a service that she did deliver. If you are extremely unhappy and want your money back, call the agency and speak with a representative who can help you with your dilemma.
Leave an Honest Review
The best review is a honest one that is straight to the point. Whether you are angry, sad, or bitter about your experience, there is no point in swearing and shouting in your review. Never call your escort rude names and never accuse her of anything that did not actually happen (this could be held against you in a court of law). Leaving a truthful, descriptive and honest (no matter how brutal) is helpful, but unnecessary swearing and name-calling is not going to rectify any situation.
Never Ask an Escort to Re-Do Services or Stay Longer
Holding a companion against her will is an easy way for the cops to get involved. Some clients think it is ok to ask an escort to re-perform a service that was done poorly or to stay longer to satisfy them better – this is not ok. Never ask an escort girl to stay longer than the scheduled time or to re-do a service that you felt was unsatisfactory – just move on.
Always Speak with the Agency
Speaking with the agency is the most important thing to do if you are unhappy with the prostitute. They may not be able to fully refund your money, but they should be more than happy to figure out a way to make the situation better for you. For example, some agencies will help you find an escort that has an amazing reputation, or offer you a discount, but they usually will not give you back all of your spent money.
Meeting our escorts from Malta is an exciting time, and while most times you will have amazing services that you thought you only could dream about to experience, there are times when you will have unsatisfactory services. Instead of lashing out or doing something you will later regret, follow these helpful suggestions to make the experience better. Remember, escorts are business women who are simply doing their job, and not all are going to rate the same. Always stay calm, leave the situation, and then think about how you want to react in the case of a bad booking with an escort.